How do I update my property’s Tax Driver settings?
This article will provide you with information and instructions on how you can update your property’s Tax Driver settings to ensure that the correct taxes are set up for your property.
最後更新: 3 months ago | 11 分鐘閱讀
This article will provide you with information and instructions on how you can update your property’s Tax Driver settings to ensure that the correct taxes are set up for your property.
Tax Drivers are property attributes that could impact the tax set up applied to your property. This might include information such as, but not limited to, number of rooms or establishment type. The specific Tax Drivers that impact your individual property will vary depending on the taxes and taxing jurisdictions applicable to your property.
Tax and property impact
It is your responsibility to provide us with accurate tax information, including, but not limited to, the Tax Drivers, as well as ensuring that such information is up to date. Failure to provide us with accurate information may result in an incorrect tax rate being set up for your property, which will result in the incorrect tax rate charged on bookings.
How to update the Tax Driver settings for your property
Navigate to YCS >> Settings >> Tax Driver Settings – New
Provide the requested information for each question
Additional information for each question is provided by hovering over the question mark
Once you have answered all the questions – click Save and Continue
Please note that you will need to update this information for each property that you manage in its respective YCS account.
Tax Driver question descriptions
Please note that some questions below may not be applicable to your property depending on its location.
Tax Driver Question
How would you classify this property?
The accommodation type of the property.
How would you classify this property based on the local property tax assessor?
Tax classification of the property.
Does your property have a NV Gaming License?
Indicate here whether your property has a NV Gaming License.
Does your property have a Liquor License?
Indicate here whether your property has a Liquor License.
Is this property considered to be a “Historical Hotel” based on local definitions?
Definition of a “Historical Hotel” may vary depending on the location of your property.
Is this the property owner’s primary home address?
Indicates lodging is at a private residence and if the owner does or does not occupy the property.
Is the entire property rented for each booking?
Specifies whether this lodging establishment is rented in whole.
If this property is considered a private home, is the property owner currently living in this address?
Whether or not the owner of a residence is present during an accommodation stay.
Is this property considered to be a “Full Service” lodging facility?
Definition of a “Full Service” may vary depending on the location of your property.
Does your property have a restaurant?
Indicate here whether there is a restaurant within the lodging facility.
Is this property considered to be an “All Inclusive” lodging facility?
Indicate here whether this property is an All Inclusive property.
What is the Average Daily Rate for this property? (In USD)
The Average Daily Rate is calculated by dividing room revenue of a lodging establishment by the count of rooms sold. This calculation may vary based on the location of your property.
What is the Revenue per Available Room for this property?
The Revenue per Available Room is calculated by dividing the room revenue of a lodging establishment for the prior fiscal year by the room count and by the number of days in the period being measured (1 year). This calculation may vary based on the location of your property.
What is the Annual Room Revenue of this property? (In USD)
Annual revenue attributable to room rentals.
How many accommodation units are available for rent in this property?
A count of the number of accommodation units available in a lodging establishment.
What is the maximum number of occupants that this property is authorized to support?
A count of the maximum number of sleeping people the accommodations unit is authorized to support.
How many rooms are intended for sleeping in this property?
A count of the number of rooms intended for sleeping in the accommodations unit.
How many rooms are in this property?
A count of the number of rooms in the accommodations unit.
When was this facility constructed?
Facility construction date.
Where applicable, would you like to pass on the maximum tax rate to the booker?
The maximum rate may vary depending on the tax and jurisdiction. Please consult your tax advisor if you need additional details.
What is the size of this property’s available rented event space in square foot?
The size of the rented event space in square feet. Please enter “0” if your property does not have any event space available for rent.
Contact us
If you have any further questions or need assistance updating the Tax Drivers for your property, please email us at and we will be happy to support.
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