This article will guide you through the selection of a campaign on Booking Network Sponsored Ads (BNSA) and how to sign up for each campaign.

What are the types of campaigns available on BNSA?

There are 6 campaign types to select from. Please note that template campaigns are subject to change.

  • 5 are template campaigns that can go live in just a few clicks. These include:
    • Quick Start
    • Focus on Weekends
    • Planning Ahead Bookings
    • Focus on Weekdays
    • Last Minute Bookings
  • 1 is a customizable campaign where you have full control on the set up.


Which campaign should I select?

  1. Quick Start Campaigns are recommended for those with less experience as they utilize an automatic bidding and targeting system. Setup can be completed in just a few clicks!
  2. For partners who have a specific target market, we recommend trying the Focus on Weekends, Planning Ahead Bookings, Focus on Weekdays, and/or Last Minute Bookings campaigns.
  3. The Custom Campaign is recommended for those with more experience, as you will have full control over the campaign setup.


How can I activate a template campaign?

  1. Login to the Booking Network Sponsored Ads
  2. Click on Campaigns in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click on the blue + button at the top of the page.
  4. Select the type of campaign that best matches your goals and click Next.
  5. Complete the campaign setup, including:
    • Campaign Name
    • Always Keep this Campaign On: By toggling this option on, the campaign will be active for as long as there are funds in the account. The End Date will be left blank.
    • Start Date: The date your campaign will start.
    • End Date: The date your campaign will end.
  6. Select the hotels that will be included in the campaign.
    • Include all my hotels: Choose this option if you would like to include all of your hotels in this campaign.
    • Select specific hotels: Choose this option to add individual hotels one at a time.

  1. Choose a your budget amount. Note that the currency shown will be based on the currency selected during registration.
    • Recommended Budget: The suggested fixed monthly amount. This recommendation leverages historical data to forecast the ideal budget for the campaign.
    • Custom Budget: Fill in the desired monthly amount according to your preferences.
  2. Review your campaign details
    • Review all the details of the campaign setup and make any final edits before saving.
    • Click on the Launch Campaign button to create the campaign. The campaign will then automatically go live on the start date you have selected.
  3. For more information on how to create your first campaign, you can check out the video linked here: Booking Network Sponsored Ads | Onboarding Webinar |, or refer to the platform’s Help Center: Create a Campaign.

How can I activate a custom campaign?

  1. Login to the Booking Network Sponsored Ads
  2. Click on Campaigns in the menu on the left-hand side of the page.
  3. Click on the blue + button at the top of the page.
  4. Select Custom Campaign and click Next.
  5. Complete the campaign setup, including:
    • Campaign Name
    • Start Date: The date your campaign will start.
    • End Date: The date your campaign will end. You can also select the ‘Always on’ option if you prefer to keep the campaign active as long as there are funds in the account.
    • Budget Type: Choose either ‘Daily’, ‘Weekly’, ‘Monthly’, or ‘Custom’. This determines how often the budget restarts. Custom budgets are controlled by the Start Date and End Date. Please note that budgets are not pro-rated within the selected timeframe.
    • Pacing: Choose either ‘ASAP’ or ‘Evenly’. This determines how fast the budget should be spent when opportunities arise. If you select ‘ASAP’, the budget will be spent on every opportunity right away.
    • ROAS Goal: Input a single whole number. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) is calculated by dividing revenue by the amount spent.
    • Bid Automation: Toggle this on if you prefer to have your bids automatically adjusted to meet your goals.
  6. Choose your budget amount. Note that the currency shown will be based on the currency selected during registration.
    • Recommended Budget: The suggested fixed monthly amount. This recommendation leverages historical data to forecast the ideal budget for the campaign.
    • Custom Budget: Fill in the desired monthly amount according to your preferences.
    • You can create up to 20 ad groups to associate to this campaign. Create your first (or additional) ad group by clicking on the pencil icon.
    • Provide the requested details for your ad group and define your target audience.
      For more information on the target audience options, please refer to: What are the targeting or fence parameters on Booking Network Sponsored Ads (BNSA)?
    • Ad Group Basic Info
    • Hotel Selection
    • Targeting (Optional)

      Targeting Automation:a) Toggle this on to automate targeting. This will help to optimize your bids in an effort to win the highest conversion opportunities. For further information on targeting automation, please refer to: What are the targeting or fence parameters on Booking Network Sponsored Ads (BNSA)?
      b) Toggle this off to manually input the targeting/fence options. Choose from ‘Group’, ‘Check-In Date’, ‘Length of Stay’, ‘Traveler Country’, ‘Device Type’, ‘Site’, ‘Operating System’, ‘Path’, ‘Travel Window’, ‘Check in Day of Week’, and ‘Referral Info’.
    • Budget Allocation

      a) Recommended Budget: The recommended amount leverages historical data to forecast the ideal budget for the campaign.
      b) Custom Budget: Fill in the desired amount according to your preferences.
      c) CPC Base Bid: The base bid is minimally $0.50. Note that the currency shown will be based on the currency selected during registration.
      Ad Groups
  1. Review
    • Review all the details of the campaign setup and make any final edits before saving.
    • Click on the Launch Campaign button to create the campaign. The campaign will then automatically go live on the start date you have selected.
  2. For more information, you may refer to refer to the platform’s Help Center: Create Custom Campaign.

What are the best practices in creating a campaign?

Whether you are starting your first campaign or looking to improve your current one, here are some suggested best practices:

Starting your first campaign

  1. Opt for a Quick Start campaign:
    • Quick start campaigns are quick and easy to setup, completely automated, and, on average, provide the highest returns.
  2. Create one campaign per hotel:
    • If you have multiple properties, we recommend creating one campaign per hotel to allow for distinct targeting. This will also make it easier to set individual budgets and activate/pause campaigns independently when needed.
  3. Opt for “Always On”:
    • Once a campaign has reached its end date, you will not be able to relaunch that campaign. Instead, you will need to create a new campaign, even if you still have funds in your account. Therefore, we recommend selecting the “Always On” option, that way you can pause and restart that campaign any time you prefer.
  4. Follow budget recommendations:
    • One of the steps in creating a campaign is to set a budget. The platform provides you with a budget recommendation based on the number of travelers looking for a property in your market, as well as the current level of competition. You are welcome to increase or decrease this budget as you go.

Starting with a Custom Campaign

  1. Opt for “Always On”:
    • Once a campaign has reached its end date, you will not be able to relaunch that campaign. Instead, you will need to create a new campaign, even if you still have funds in your account. Therefore, we recommend selecting the “Always On” option, that way you can pause and restart that campaign any time you prefer.
  2. Set daily budgets:
    • The budget is the maximum amount that you are willing to spend for your campaign within the timeframe selected. There are a few options: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, and Custom. We recommend setting a Daily Budget, so that you maintain full control over how your budget is spent throughout the month.
  3. Opt for ROAS Goal of 10:
    • The ROAS goal is the return that you would like to achieve with your campaign. For example, if your ROAS goal is 10, you aim to generate $10 for every dollar spent. Please note, however, that achieving this ROAS goal is not guaranteed.
    • If you have opted for automation, the auto-bid will aim to reach this goal. An ROAS goal of 10 provides a good balance between exposure and return.
  4. Opt for ASAP budget spend:
    • Pacing defines how often your budget will be spent when opportunities arise. ASAP pacing spends your budget on every opportunity right away, based on the levels of demand. We are seeing higher returns on ASAP budget spend in larger markets, or when the budget is lower than recommended.
  5. Opt for bid automation:
    • We recommend opting for bid automation so that you do not need to manually edit your bid. The bid will be automatically optimized on a daily basis to best utilize your allocated budget toward your ROAS goals. Bid automation tends to lead to better bid performance (in terms of spend and ROAS).


What’s the minimum CPC bid for my local currency?

$0.50 and its respective conversion to each local currency​ is the minimum bid permitted for CPC.

Can my ad (layout, content, etc) be customized?

No, the ads cannot be customized. We use your actual property card so that the ad will feel native and will avoid any potential disruptions in the user experience.

What is considered a good Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)?

ROAS is influenced by multiple factors, including market demand, average CPC, ADR, and the number of competitors. On average, BNSA ROAS is around 12-15.

Can I increase my bid after creating a campaign?

Yes, if your campaign has an Ad Group. ​You can do so by logging in on the BNSA platform, then navigating to Campaigns >> Edit Campaign >> Ad Group >> Budget Allocation >> CPC Bid.

Can I deactivate my campaign at any given time?

Yes, you can turn the campaign off at any given time. You can do so by logging in on the BNSA platform, then navigating to Campaigns, opening the Status dropdown menu, and selecting Paused to pause your campaign​.


Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Send a message via the Live Support channel on the BNSA platform, or reach out to your dedicated account manager.


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