2021 is going to be a year focusing on loved ones and making a difference. As we usher in 2021, one in three people are most looking forward to spending more quality time with loved ones this year. This is followed by being able to travel unhindered (24%) and doing things that matter or make a difference (21%), according to a global survey from digital travel platform, Agoda.

Agoda ‘What Matters 2021’ survey: People are most looking forward to spending more quality time with loved ones, and making a difference in 2021

Interestingly, respondents 55 and above were most looking forward to traveling unhindered, while those between ages 25-54 were keen to spend quality time with family and friends, and youths (18-24) were most excited about making a difference in 2021.

The ‘What Matters 2021’ survey for Agoda also found that globally people are committed to traveling differently in 2021. Planning to travel more with friends and family in 2021, taking more spontaneous trips as well as making more eco-friendly travel choices are the top three travel priorities in the new year.

“2020 was a year of survival and of making the best of it.  Despite all that struggle and hardship, our research shows that there’s a global desire for travel, connection, meaning and spending time with friends and family. Travel will resume eventually, because, ultimately, the human desire to travel is unstoppable,” said Tim Hughes, Vice President of Corporate Development, Agoda.

“At Agoda, we believe in the future of travel. Our research backs this up, confirming that travel is one of the top things people look forward to in 2021. More than that – people are committed to making a difference, traveling with people who matter, open to more unplanned, last-minute trips, and considering the environmental impact they make as they travel.”

Global Data Overview

Top things people are most looking forward to in 2021:

  • Spending more quality time with loved ones is what most people from United Kingdom (UK) and Thailand, the United States (US), the Philippines, Malaysia and China are most looking forward to in 2021.
  • Being able to travel unhindered is what Singaporeans, South Koreans and Japanese are most looking forward to doing in the new year.
  • Doing things that matter or make a difference is what Indonesians, Taiwanese, and Vietnamese are most looking forward to.
  • Getting closer to nature and the great outdoors is second on the list for Thais, and third for Japanese.
  • Fewer are looking forward to going back to the workplace in 2021. Respondents from China (1.2%), Japan (1.5%) and UK (2%) have the smallest proportion that are looking forward to being done with remote working, while Filipinos (9%), Vietnamese (7%) and Indonesians (7%) are more likely to look forward to returning to office.
  • Attending live, sporting or large-scale events is second least popular on the list, but those from US (8%), UK (8%) and Japan (7%) are more likely to look forward to that.

Age group data

  • Spending more quality time with loved ones is the top thing to look forward to for age groups 25-34, 35 – 44 and 45 – 54, while those aged 18-24 are most looking forward to doing things that matter, and respondents 55 and above are most looking forward to “being able to travel unhindered”.
  • Getting closer to nature and the great outdoors is the third most popular thing respondents 55 and above were looking forward to.

Top travel commitments:

  • Traveling more with loved ones is the top thing all markets are most likely to commit to doing differently when traveling in 2021, with the exception of United Kingdom (UK) and Taiwan, where respondents are embracing the adventure and committing to taking more spontaneous trips, and the Japanese committing to travel at a slower pace.
  • Traveling at a slower pace is the second most popular commitment second for Singaporeans and Malaysians.
  • Vietnamese, South Koreans, Filipinos, Thais and Indonesians are more likely to commit to travel sustainably. Commitment to making more eco-friendly travel choices comes in second for these markets.
  • Indonesians (16%), Thais (14%) and Japanese (13%) commit to consciously support less touristy destinations in the new year.

Age Group Data

  • Traveling more with loved ones is the top 2021 commitment across all age groups.
  • Those in age groups 25-34, 35-44, 45-54 are likely to commit to more eco-friendly travel choices, which stood as their second top commitment for the new year.
  • Traveling at a slower pace is second for those 55 and above.
  • Taking more spontaneous trips is the third most popular choice across all age groups (24-34, 35-44, 55+) except for those between ages 18 – 24 which was second among their commitments, and fourth most popular choice for 45-54 age group.

Market Data Breakdown


  • Like the global trend, more than one in four are looking forward to spending quality time with loved ones (26%), followed by traveling unhindered (24%) and doing things that matter (23%).
  • With the exception of age groups 18-24 and 55+, the Chinese are most looking forward to quality time with loved ones. Those between 18-24 are most likely to do things that make a difference, while those 55 and above are looking forward to getting close to nature.
  • Chinese respondents are committed to traveling more with family and friends (39%), taking more spontaneous trips (21%) and traveling at a slower pace (18%).


  • Almost one in two Indonesians are looking forward to doing things that matter or make a difference (46%). Indonesians also are also looking forward to spending more quality time with loved ones (21%) and to be able to travel unhindered (13%).
  • Across all age groups except for those 55 and above, Indonesians are looking forward to making a difference in 2021. For Indonesians 55 and above, they are most likely to want to spend more quality time with loved ones.
  • Indonesians top three 2021 travel commitments are traveling more with friends or family (40%), making more eco-friendly travel choices (22%), and consciously supporting less touristy destinations (16%).


  • Desire to travel remains strong among the Japanese. Being able to travel unhindered (37%) is what most Japanese are looking forward to in 2021, followed by spending more quality time with loved ones (33%) and getting closer to nature and the great outdoors (8%).
  • While those 45 and above are more inclined to look forward to traveling unhindered, Japanese aged 18-24, 25-34, 35-44 are most looking forward to spending quality time with loved ones.
  • Committing to traveling at a slower pace is the top travel commitment among Japanese respondents, followed by traveling more with friends/family and taking more spontaneous trips.
  • Traveling more with friends/family is the top travel commitment for respondents aged 18-24, but across the rest of the age groups, traveling at a slower pace was top.


  • Similar to global trends, people are looking to spending more quality time with loved ones (26%), doing things that matter/make a difference (25%), and being able to travel unhindered (23%).
  • Younger Malaysians (18-24) prioritize doing things that make a difference, while those 25-44 most look forward to spending time with their loved ones. Malaysians in age groups 45-54 and 55+ are experiencing wanderlust and are most looking forward to traveling unhindered in 2021.
  • When they travel in 2021, Malaysians are committed to traveling more with friends/family (37%), corresponding with the desire to spending time with loved ones, followed by traveling at a slower pace (25%) and making more eco-friendly travel choices (15%).

The Philippines

  • The trends in the Philippines align with the global trends. Spending more quality time with loved ones (27%), doing things that matter/make a difference (23%) and being able to travel unhindered (22%) are what the Filipinos look forward to the most.
  • With the exception of those between ages 45-54, Pinoys are prioritizing quality time with friends and family. Pinoys aged 45-54 are most looking forward to travel unhindered this year.
  • Close to half the respondents (42%) are likely to commit to travel more with friends/family. Eco-friendly travel choices and taking more spontaneous trips are the next most popular travel commitments in 2021. 23 percent of respondents says they will make more eco-friendly travel choices. And 13 percent to take more spontaneous trips in 2021.


  • Singaporeans show strong desire to travel, with being able to travel unhindered (41%) what they are looking forward to the most. Spending more quality time with loved ones (25%) and doing things that matter/make a difference (16%) are second and third respectively.
  • Once travel resumes, they are likely to commit to travel more with friends/family (34%), travel at a slower pace (29%) and make more eco-friendly travel choices (11%).

South Korea

  • Travel remains important for the South Koreans. More are looking forward to being able to travel unhindered (40%), followed by spending more quality time with loved ones (27%), and doing things that matter/make a difference (13%).
  • On how the South Koreans commit to traveling differently next year, they plan to travel more with friends and family (39%), make more eco-friendly travel choices (25%), and travel at a slower pace (13%).


  • Taiwanese look forward to doing things that matter or make a difference (29%), being able to travel unhindered (24%), and spending more quality time with loved ones (22%) for 2021.
  • Those in age groups 18-24, 25-34 and 35-44 are most looking forward to making a difference in 2021, while traveling unhindered is top for those aged 45-54 and 55+.
  • Taiwanese respondents also plan to enjoy traveling differently, by committing to taking more spontaneous trips (26%), traveling more with friends/family (25%) and traveling at a slower pace (20%).
  • Taking more spontaneous trips is the top travel commitment for Taiwanese aged 18-34, while slow travel and traveling with their loved ones are the top commitments for those in age groups 35-44 and 45-54 respectively. For respondents 55 and above, spontaneous trips and traveling more with friends/family are the most popular 2021 commitments.


  • Thais are looking forward to spending more quality time with loved ones (38%). They are also keen to be out and about, getting closer to nature and the great outdoors (22%) and doing things that matter or make a difference (17%).
  • They are inclined to travel more with friends and family (43%), make more eco-friendly travel choices (22%) and consciously support less touristy destinations (14%).

United Kingdom

  • Spending more quality time with loved ones (38%), being able to travel unhindered (31%), and going to live, sporting or large-scale events (8%) are what the Brits are most looking forward to the most in 2021.
  • They are also going to travel differently by committing to taking more spontaneous trips (29%), traveling more with friends/family (26%), and traveling at a slower pace (13%).
  • Traveling with loved ones is the top commitment for respondents aged 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, while taking more spontaneous trips was top for those aged 45-54 and 55+.

United States

  • Like global trends, Americans are looking forward to spending more quality time with loved ones (34%), being able to travel unhindered (20%) and doing things that matter or make a difference (16%).
  • Americans commit to travel more with friends/family (29%), take more spontaneous trips (19%), and travel at a slower pace (16%)


  • 25 percent of Vietnamese respondents says in 2021 they are looking forward to doing things that matter/make a difference (25%), being able to travel unhindered (23%) and spending more quality time with loved ones (23%).
  • Those aged 18-24 and 35-44 are most looking forward to making a difference in 2021. Vietnamese aged 25-34 are looking forward to quality time with their loved ones, while those 45-54 and 55+ are looking forward to being able to travel unhindered.
  • Vietnamese are likely to commit to traveling more with friends/family (33%), making more eco-friendly travel choices (27%), and taking more spontaneous trips (14%).
  • Traveling with loved ones is the top commitment for respondents 18-24, 25-34, 35-44, while making eco-friendly travel choices was the top commitment for those in age groups 44-54 and 55+.

Note to editors:

All figures, unless otherwise stated, are from YouGov Singapore PTE Limited. Total sample size was 16,064 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between 10th and 16th December. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of adults in the respective countries (aged 18+).





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