With mobile access to your promotions, you can respond to market conditions or competitors instantly. Wherever you are – create, edit and cancel promotions.
How to check your property’s existing promotions?
Step 1. Select Promotions on the bottom of the bar
Step 2. Click on Start button to access the list of existing promotions.
Step 3. Click on the “three dots” on left side on each promotion so you can update or check setup
How to create promotions?
Step 1. On the Promotions page, scroll down to the bottom of the page.
Step 2. Click on Create Promotion
Step 3. Select the Promotion Type that you would like to create, find out about promotion type here
Step 4. Fill in all details necessary for promotions, you can find out about how to create promotions in detail here
Step 5. Click on “+ Create Promotion” again when complete