Domestic Travel – Preferred Type of destination
Upon resuming travels, which Type of Destinations would you prefer most?
The most preferred type of destination for most countries is the Beach Destinations, followed by Nature. With the exception of the Taiwanese travellers where majority prefer Nature.

Upon resuming travels, which Type of Travel Activities will attract you most?
Overall, travellers look for ‘Quiet and Relaxing’, followed by ‘Food & Drinks’ and ‘Famous Attractions’. However these preferences varies across markets. Apart from the top 3 activities, the Australians and Americans also value ‘Adventure’ quite a fair bit. Travellers in KSA, on the other hand, value ‘Shopping’ much more compared to other country travellers.

Upon resuming travels, which Type of Travel Activities will attract you most?
Overall ‘4-5 Star hotels’ followed ‘Resorts’ are the top favourite amongst travellers. Given that the country is peppered with good beaches, it is not surprising that the Thais and Vietnamese travellers prefer resorts over 4-5 hotels. On the other hand, Taiwanese travellers also have a preference for ‘Private homes/apartments’ over other travellers.

Source: Kantar, June 2020
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