Agoda will bring its marketing and technology expertise to help promote “Wonderful Indonesia” and welcome travelers from around the world following the country’s reopening


Global travel platform Agoda entered into a multi-year agreement with The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (MOTCE/Kemenparekraf) of Indonesia to help stimulate tourism recovery in the country. The partnership will utilize Agoda’s global network, industry insights and robust marketing expertise to promote the “Wonderful Indonesia” brand to visitors both locally and from around the world. This marks the first long-term partnership between the Ministry of Tourism and Agoda.

The agreement was signed in the presence of Mr. Sandiaga Uno, Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, and John Brown, CEO of Agoda. They were joined by Omri Morgenshtern, COO of Agoda, Enric Casals, Associate Vice President of Agoda Southeast Asia and Oceania, and Gede Gunawan, Senior Country Director Agoda in Indonesia, and dignitaries from the Indonesia Tourism Ministry including Acting Marketing Deputy Ms. Ni Wayan Giri Andyani, Mr. Henky Hotma Parlindungan Manurung, Deputy for Industry and Investment, Mr. Dadang Rizki Ratman, Expert Staff for Business Development, and Ms. Martini M. Paham, Market Director of Communication Marketing.

Under the MoU, both parties agree to increase the brand awareness of Indonesian Tourism’s Wonderful Indonesia initiative, through the undertaking of shared promotional efforts via branded landing pages, digital promotions via owned channels, technical consultancy, sharing of expertise and more. The three-year agreement is designed to develop Indonesia’s tourism and creative economy marketing and ultimately reinvigorate the travel landscape in the country.

“We are happy to announce this partnership with Agoda. As a key global digital travel platform, their tech know-how and marketing optimization will help us to drive awareness of the diversity and beauty of Indonesia, among travelers both within our shores and beyond. We are confident the industry will recover to pre-pandemic levels as vaccination distributions ramp up, cases drop, and border restriction regulations reduce. Importantly, we see this moment as an opportunity to help positively share the industry’s future like never before,” said Ms. Ni Wayan Giri Adnyani, Acting Deputy of Marketing for Kemenparekraf / Baparekraf.

The Ministry has a strong interest to partner with international platforms like Agoda to push the “grand reopening” message to global travelers as Indonesia has expanded over 20 entry ports, and lifted all quarantine requirements for fully-vaccinated travelers to boost international tourism. The government has also resumed visa exemption program for ASEAN nationals to Indonesia.

“We applaud the Indonesian government’s efforts towards spearheading forward-thinking initiatives that aid in the country’s economic rebound. This agreement entrenches Agoda’s long term commitment towards working with local governments and communities to help SMEs in the hospitality sector learn about how technology and data can expand their business while simplifying processes to help drive digitization in the travel sector. Indonesia has always been an important market for us and through the joint-marketing collaboration with the Ministry, we can reach and attract more international and domestic visitors to stay at hotels, resorts or villas in cities, mountain areas or the many islands across the country.” said John Brown, CEO of Agoda.

Other than the highlighted features, Agoda will be championing sustainability efforts in line with the Indonesian governments’ green agenda – and as host to the upcoming G20 Summit. The platform will be launching a campaign in the coming months to support the preservation of coral reefs locally and in the region.








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