AGP Testimonial: The Howard Plaza Hotel in Taipei (3147)
AGP helped us increase visibility online, conversion rates and to reduced cancellations. These improvements lead to high production during the difficult times of COVID-19.
AGP helped us increase visibility online, conversion rates and to reduced cancellations. These improvements lead to high production during the difficult times of COVID-19.
AGP successfully helped us to increased revenue and helped us on saving USD 30,000 costs invested on pay-per-click. AGP is a very recommended marketing solution for hotels, I highly recommend [...]
We had an arduous year because of the coronavirus. It was a big support from Agoda Company Ptd. Ltd., that helped us in the difficult situation.
The AGP program helped the hotel increase revenue very well and lead the market soon after. Many guests from other countries know the hotel and choose to stay at the hotel.
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