Agoda reveals winners of its GoLocal Photo Competition

Agoda holds first-ever photography competition showcasing beauty of Indonesia and sees over 800 entries featuring destinations from Sabang to Merauke

Agoda‘s GoLocal ‘Permata Kotaku’ photography competition winner is revealed today as Arie Basuki (@arbasbarong). The ‘Gems in My Backyard’ photography competition, which was launched by Agoda to inspire Indonesians to discover hidden gems in their country and encourage them to explore their own cities and local regions generated more than 800 entries that showcased the diversity of landscape and culture of the archipelago. Basuki’s winning entry captured the beauty of Bromo in the morning, giving a glimpse into local Tenggerese horseback riding in the process. First runner-up Hendri Suhandi and second runner-up Muchatamir’s entries highlighted the natural magnificence of Labuan Bajos’ Pink Beach and Jeneponto’s unique cultural celebrations in Labuan Bajo and Jeneponto respectively.

Photo competition winner Basuki said he was pleasantly surprised his submission won the prize as the photo had been unplanned.

“I was just capturing sunrise at Bromo Love Hill. It didn’t turn out the way I envisioned it to be because it was cloudy. So I decided to go down to the sea of sand and coincidentally several people from Tengger rode past me, the lighting was amazing, and I managed to capture that magnificent scene,” he said.

“I love exploring Indonesia for this reason. When on holiday, I prefer domestic destinations. Without having to travel too far, we have exotic culture and great scenery right at our doorstep.”

The Agoda Permata Kotaku photography competition, supported by the Indonesia Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, saw entries from all across the archipelago, such as Tumpuk Sewu Waterfall in Malang, cultural site Bori Kalimbuang in Toraja, and traditional Jaran Kepang Jathilan dance unique to Ponorogo. Instagram was filled with hundreds of photographs of Indonesia in all its glory, as Indonesian residents shared on Instagram unique aspects of their city, hometown or place that they love, and reasons why others should explore that part of the archipelago, on the social media platform.

Indonesia’s esteemed photographers, Arbain Rambey and Aryono Huboyo Djati, joined a representative from Agoda on the judging panel to select the winners, from the outstanding entries received.

Judge Arbain Rambey said: “It was not easy choosing the winners as all the participants’ entries illustrated that whether you’re looking to get close to nature, enjoy great cuisine or encounter diverse cultures, there are endless treasures in our beloved archipelago, from Lake Toba to Borobudur and Sulawesi, to discover. They were very inspiring.”

Aryono Huboyo added that Agoda’s domestic photography competition helped to highlight that there is more to Indonesia than the usual popular tourist destinations. “There are many exotic places in Indonesia apart from everyone’s favorite Bali, like Jeneponto and Labuan Bajo, which as seen from the winners’ photos, are quite remarkable. Kudos to Agoda for putting in great effort to showcase the beauty and culture of our country during this new normal era, inspiring Indonesians to appreciate what our archipelago has to offer and think about new destinations for their next holiday, when it’s safe.”

Agoda’s GoLocal Domestic Travel survey found that 76% of Indonesian travelers are ready and willing to pack their bags and travel more of Indonesia in the next 12 months. The Permata Kotaku competition was held as a part of Agoda’s GoLocal campaign, which aims to help travelers explore more of their own backyard, with great deals and up to 25% savings on domestic hotels across the country.

“Agoda is thrilled by the enthusiasm and great content that Indonesians have submitted, capturing the diversity and allure of their country. Many people are looking forward to pack their bags and go on trips again, but before then, we hope this competition will inspire more Indonesians to start by traveling nearby anddiscove the local gems in their hometowns or cities,” said Gede Gunawan, Country Director, Indonesia.

Notes to editors:

Agoda 2020 Photo Contest Winners

First prize winner: Arie Basuki / @ArbasBarong

Agoda reveals winners of its GoLocal Photo Competition

First Runner-up: Hendri Suhandi / @ghaniandlia

Agoda reveals winners of its GoLocal Photo Competition

Second Runner-up: Muchtamir / @muchtamir_

Agoda reveals winners of its GoLocal Photo Competition

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