1. What is the change and which properties are impacted?

Properties in India that are currently on UPC (preferred payment method is UPC/UPC on ePass/e-Card) will be migrated to telegraphic transfer (TT), with payment to be settled one (1) day after the check-out date i.e., TT+1. With this change, your booking values will be available to claim on YCS one (1) day after the check-out date and the claimed amount will be paid into your bank account via TT.

2. When will this change be implemented?

Starting 2 January 2025, we will begin the process of gradually transitioning impacted properties’ payment method to telegraphic transfer (TT), with the payment to be settled one (1) day after the check-out date i.e., TT+1. This transition is expected to be completed by 10 January 2025 and properties will be notified by email when the transition is complete.

3. Why is this change is being implemented? Is this change permanent?

We are in the process of changing our UPC provider and as part of this change, we are required to update our UPC process. This change to TT+1 is temporary. Agoda may revert your payment method to UPC once we have completed the update with the new UPC provider. Note that TT+1 is not Agoda’s default settlement date and is only offered on a temporary basis given the UPC update. If you choose to stay on the TT payment method after the UPC update, the settlement date will be thirty (30) days after the check-out date, i.e. TT+30, which is Agoda’s default settlement date for TT.

4. Will there be any additional charge on bookings for the TT+1 payment method?

There will be no additional charges on your bookings for this temporary change.

5. What is required from the property’s end to ensure a smooth transition to TT?

Properties need to ensure that their bank account details on YCS are up to date to avoid any disruption to the payment process. Properties that do not have their bank account details available in YCS will not be able to claim their booking values on YCS. As such, we encourage you to add your bank account details on YCS as soon as possible.

For more information, please refer to:  How to set up my bank account

Bank Account Upload Guide: A Simple Walkthrough (English): 

Bank Account Upload Guide: A Simple Walkthrough (Hindi) 

6. How will properties be notified when their payment method has been updated to TT?

An email notification will be sent to all property contacts after migration to the TT payment method is complete.

7. How can properties check their payment method?

1. Navigate to YCS >> Property
2. Select Property Details >> Property Information
3. In the General Information section, look for Payment Methods

8. How can properties claim payment after migration to the TT payment method?

Once your property has been successfully migrated to the TT payment method, the booking values for your property will be available to claim on YCS one (1) day after the check-out date and the claimed amount will be paid into your bank account via TT.

For more information, please refer to: How to charge bookings via bank transfer.

9. How will properties claim payments for existing bookings with uncharged UPC and/or check-in dates after the migration date?

For properties that are being migrated from UPC to TT, the system will cancel all existing uncharged UPCs that were available to be charged on YCS prior to the migration date and move those bookings to ePass, based on the previous payment conditions applicable for those bookings. For bookings which have not reached the payment condition date (e.g., past bookings with future check-in dates), the bookings will be posted on ePass when the payment condition is met.

For properties that are being migrated from UPC on ePass/e-Card/PayPal to TT, existing bookings will be held to the old payment conditions and new bookings will be held to the new payment conditions. In this scenario, all unclaimed bookings will continue to appear on ePass as per the old payment conditions for those bookings and will be paid via TT once the batch is confirmed on ePass by the property.

10. Are there any other payment methods available as an alternative to TT?

No, there are not any alternative payment methods available.

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods. 





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ขออภัยที่บทความนี้ยังไม่ตรงใจท่าน กรุณาระบุเหตุผลเพื่อให้เราสามารถพัฒนาบริการได้ดียิ่งขึ้น

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