With millions of daily travelers booking on Agoda, we’ve acquired a huge amount of data which can tell us a lot – such as, the most important facilities to offer to travelers!
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Home > News & Insights > What facilities attracts today’s travelers?
With millions of daily travelers booking on Agoda, we’ve acquired a huge amount of data which can tell us a lot – such as, the most important facilities to offer to travelers!
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With millions of daily travelers booking on Agoda, we’ve acquired a huge amount of data which can tell us a lot – such as, the most important facilities to offer to travelers!
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Partner Help
What facilities attracts today’s travelers?
How do I manage an accidental campaign activation?
How can properties in Japan issue a tax invoice?
VAT Implication for Turkish Properties
What changes were implemented with Israel’s VAT implementation after 16 October 2023?
Malaysian Tourism Tax FAQs
Commercial Statements and Common Inquiries
How to best respond to guest reviews?
Singapore Properties Only – Tax/Invoicing Model Change
VAT Implication for Thailand Properties
How do I update my property’s bank account in Japan?
Which photos do I need for my property?
How do I take better photos of my property?
How do I complete my Property Photos?
YCS App – Manage your promotion
How do I sign my contract?
How do I complete my Rates & Allotments?
Introduction to our Agoda Partner Programs
How do I boost my property’s sale and visibility?
What is an OTA?
Who is Agoda?
Why is content important?
What are property partners saying about the Agoda Growth Program?
Where can I view my contract and terms and conditions?
How can I tag my photos?
How can I update my facilities?
How do I handle Property Collect payments?
Can I make changes to my parking policies?
How can I set up a minimum or maximum length of stay restriction?
Understanding the front end
Everything you need to know about guest reviews
Tips for Success
Agoda, in partnership with GSTC and USAID, successfully concluded a Hotel Sustainability Training for Industry Professionals, held in Cebu, Philippines.
Agoda, in partnership with GSTC and USAID, successfully concluded a Hotel Sustainability Training fo ...
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Boost your property’s efficiency through YCS: Join a walkthrough session of YCS. | Learn what Analytics and Opportunity Center have to offer. | Live Q&A session with YCS professionals.
Boost your property’s efficiency through YCS: Join a walkthrough session of YCS. | Learn what Anal ...
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Successful Hotel Sustainability Training in partnership […]
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Stay in the know of market trends to stay ahead of your competition: Explore the latest market trends and traveler behaviors | Get tips on optimizing your property’s performance | Live Q&A session with industry experts
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We're excited to announce a series of exclusive livestream events designed to help you stay ahead in the market.
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Agoda, USAID, and GSTC conducted sustainability trainin […]
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