Room mapping involves aligning the rooms offered by our partners with the rooms listed on YCS. This crucial step prevents potential guests from encountering duplicate room listings on the Agoda property page, ensuring that bookings are accurate and seamless. Mapping all rooms at least once is essential to enhance customer satisfaction, mitigate the risk of negative reviews stemming from booking errors, and optimize revenue by maximizing occupancy rates.
- Sign in to YCS.
- Click on Property >> Room mapping.
- Your property’s rooms that are provided by or other Agoda partners are listed under Partner Rooms. Suggested mapping to rooms available on YCS is listed under YCS Room.
- For each room, select the matching YCS room from the dropdown and click Map Room. If the partner’s room name is unclear, click Not Enough Info.
- When Not Enough Info is clicked, the room will not be mapped and will instead be shown on your Agoda property page as a standalone room type.
- You can review your mapping activity under History.
- In the case you need to correct or update room mapping for your property, please contact Agoda for support.
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