Cara mengelola akses pengguna untuk properti Anda menggunakan fitur Manajemen Pengguna YCS
Mengatur peran pengguna secara efektif dalam perangkat Manajemen Pengguna YCS sangat penting untuk menjaga keamanan operasional properti Anda. Dengan mengendalikan tingkat akses, Anda memastikan [...]
Bagaimana cara mengelola foto saya?
Memiliki foto yang bagus adalah kunci bagi semua properti. Foto mendorong eksposur, mendorong pemesanan, dan meningkatkan reputasi. Halaman Manajemen Foto adalah tempat yang intuitif dan mudah [...]
Bagaimana cara memperbarui fasilitas properti?
Tingkatkan kepuasan tamu dan buat properti Anda menonjol dengan menjaga keterkinian informasi fasilitas Anda dengan panduan YCS kami yang mudah.
YCS App – Messaging Guest & Responding to Review
The Hotel Messaging feature on the YCS app now available for you to communicate with guests and responding to guest’s review on your mobile. With this, it will helps improve the responsiveness to [...]
YCS App – Manage your promotion
With mobile access to your promotions, you can respond to market conditions or competitors instantly. Wherever you are – create, edit and cancel promotions.
YCS App – Find your property
This article will help to outline guidelines to be able to change your listing if you manage multiple YCS properties.
YCS App – Manage rate and availability
YCS app enabling you to check and update your property’s rate, allotment at your convenience.
YCS App – Your listing dashboard
When using the YCS Companion App, you can now gain more insight into their Room Nights, Average Daily Average Rate, and Revenue performance directly from the Performance Dashboard!
YCS App – Introduction
YCS App is the mobile extranet system of YCS that will help you to manage your properties in YCS quickly and easily. The application is available both on Android and iOS.