In this article, we will outline the geographical content shown on your property page and the logic behind displaying it.
What is geographical content?
On your property page, automatically generated content is displayed based on the property’s geographic location (e.g. GPS coordinates).
This content cannot be modified through the YCS extranet.
Nearby attractions in photo carousel
Photos of nearby attractions will display on the property page if your property is within a 10km radius.
What’s nearby
Popular landmarks/Nearby landmarks
Our system selects the 10 nearest landmarks based on the location of your property for Nearby landmarks and the top 10 landmarks based on the priorities of our database for Popular landmarks.
Nearest essentials
Nearest essentials are generated by the system based on distance and cannot be changed.
Nearby restaurants
Nearby restaurants are displayed depending on the property and the restaurant’s coordinates.
Frequently asked questions
Can I update the time/distance to nearest landmarks and essentials?
Unfortunately, we cannot. Time and distance are estimated or generated by the system and cannot be changed.
Can I request to change the nearby attraction photos?
Photos can only be changed if it has been proven the attraction is not within a 10km radius of the property. You can send a request to the Agoda accommodation support team via the “Need Help” button in YCS.
Can I update the landmarks displayed in Nearest essentials?
As the nearest landmarks and essentials are generated by the system based on the distance, we are generally unable to update them. However, we can add new landmarks and essentials if they don’t exist in our database. Once added, the system will regenerate the content. We can remove the landmarks displayed here only if they’re permanently closed. You can send a request to the Agoda accommodation support team via the “Need Help” button in YCS.
Learn More
- How to manage my photos?
- How to update my facilities?
- How do I change my property description?
- Troubleshooting — Active room facilities are not shown properly
- Troubleshooting — Airport transfer is shown in the highlighted amenities
- Troubleshooting — Crossed-out facilities
- Troubleshooting — Free Breakfast benefit is incorrectly shown
- Troubleshooting — Free Wi-Fi is shown under room benefits
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