아고다는 성공적인 숙소 운영을 위해 다양한 프로그램을 제공하고 있습니다. 하지만 프로그램 외에도 경쟁력 있는 요금, 객실 재고, 품질 높은 콘텐츠, 투숙객 이용후기 관리 등 숙소의 성공을 위해 신경 써야 할 중요한 요소들이 있습니다.
Competitive Pricing & Availability
Stay ahead of the competition!
Over 50% of our customers choose Agoda because we have competitive rates.
We use two metrics to measure the completness of rates and availability:
- Pricing Heath
- Availability Health
The most efficient way to ensure healthiness is to identify and solve recurring issues.
For example:
- Room type/rate plan discrepancies
- Online rates discrepancies
Get more information about Pricing & Availability available here.
Check your Pricing & Availability Health on the Agoda Extranet, YCS.
Good Content: Get the basics right
Good content helps to increase conversion rate by at least 50%!
We use few metrics to score your content, and provide breakdowns and suggestions on how to improve each category:
- Property Photos
- Room Photos
- Property Content
- Room Content
- Child/Cancellation Policy
Get more information about Content Score here.
Check your Content Score on our Agoda Extranet, YCS
Impressive Guest Review: Experience matters and you are in control
Reviews are real experiences by real customers.
Your reviews are not only critical in helping guests make decisions about where to stay, but the best way for you to learn about your guests, your property, and your business.
That’s why we only post reviews by verified guests — to make sure constructive, honest reviews are visible on our website and app.
The review score is based on an aggregate of 5 categories:
- Value for money
- Location
- Cleanliness
- Staff (Service)
- Facilities
Agoda enables you to reply directly to reviews because we believe that 2-way conversations yield the best learnings.
More information available here.
Check your Review Score on our Agoda Extranet, YCS
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