To increase conversion and offer even more flexibility to customers; properties can activate Property Collect with no credit card where rooms are bookable without a credit card.
- To increase conversion – Industry data supports conversion gains for “no credit card” offers
- Creating incremental bookings
- Winning new customers who like to book without a credit card – several markets or demographics with low credit card penetration will benefit from this
- Up to 15% more production if no credit card required rates are activated
- Our new AI powered “DITS” (discover intend to stay) system helps to reduce the risk of no-shows (<10%)
- Higher visibility and conversion rate on the front end with the help of a dedicated banner
You can activate “Property Collect with no Credit Card” via or YCS extranet or by contacting us.
Choose from 3 options,
- All bookings
- Last minute bookings
- Domestic bookings
Activate permanently or for a set duration
Set black-out periods, weekday restriction or target specific origins
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