When deciding on a staycation, what is the maximum travel time that you are comfortable with?
On average, travellers are willing to spent an average of 4.0 hours for travelling upon resuming travel domestically. The highest average threshold of travel time goes to Australia, followed by USA. On the other hand, the lowest average threshold are travellers from Indonesia, South Korea and Thailand where it declines to 3.4-3.6 hours.

When deciding on a staycation, which of the following Destination Features or Facilities attracts you most?
Proximity is a top draw feature for majority of domestic travellers. However this situation varies from country to country. While proximity plays a key part for KSA and USA travellers, other features too have strong weightage – namely food. On the other extreme, the majority of Taiwanese and Thai travellers value good food over proximity.

Upon resuming travel, What would be your most likely Choice of Transport to your destination?
Travellers around the 8 countries agree that flight is the most preferred mode of transport. This is followed by self drive.

Upon resuming travels, who are you Most Likely to Travel with?
Majority of travellers travel either with their Partner or Spouse or with their immediate families. Interestingly, the South Koreans, Taiwanese and Vietnamese travellers are more likely to travel with friends compared to other countries. The Australians on the other hand are more likely to do Solo travel compared to other countries

Source: Kantar, June 2020
Customer research post Covid – travel preference.pdf
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