Domestic Travel – Amenities Importance
Upon resuming travels, which of the following Destination Amenities are important to you?
Private bathrooms seem to be the top on the list of majority of travellers, with the exception of KSA and Vietnam where In-house entertainment is of higher importance. Interestingly, the Taiwanese, Thai and South Korean travellers place higher importance on seclusion compared to other countries.

Upon resuming travels, which of the following Travel Hygiene Related Offerings will attract you most?
Across countries, ‘Daily Room Disinfection’ has the highest mention of importance, followed by providing ‘Personal Hygiene Kits’ and ‘Hotel Hygiene Standard Listings’. For ‘Personal Hygiene Kits’ this is driven highly from Indonesia, KSA and Vietnam travellers. While the Thais drive ‘Providing Hotel Hygiene Standard Listings’. Among the countries, Vietnamese travellers seem to value ‘Being Sustainable’ more over other travellers, while ‘Taking Daily Temperature’ seems more important to Indonesian compared to other travellers

Source: Kantar, June 2020
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