How do I change my property’s name?
Your property name is set up based on the information you provided on the registration form. There may be some situations that require you to change the property name. In this article, we [...]
Your property name is set up based on the information you provided on the registration form. There may be some situations that require you to change the property name. In this article, we [...]
In this article, you will find information how to update room rates in YCS.
This article will outline our Occupancy Model settings that have recently been updated in YCS.
ستوضح هذه المقالة جميع المعلومات اللازمة لاستكمال عملية التسجيل على أجودا.
You may be curious how Agoda determines the commission paid and how much you will be paying Agoda when registering your property with us. This article will provide you with an overview of the [...]
في هذه المقالة، سنوضح كيفية إدارة مخزون غرفتك. من المهم جدًا أن تبقي مدى توفُّر الغرف محدثًا. لحسن الحظ، يمكنك إدارة ذلك بسهولة من خلال YCS.
ستوضح هذه المقالة المعلومات المتعلقة بحجوزاتنا وكيفية إنشائها. understands that many of our property partners use a Channel Manager to manage rooms and prices for online distribution channels. In this article, we will outline how you can connect [...]
Agoda provides several platforms that allow guests to reach out to properties with any requests. This article will explain ways of communicating using those platforms.
In this article, we will introduce a new payment model called Property Collect and outline its benefits to you.
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