Wie kann ich meine Unterkunft auf Agoda registrieren?
In diesem Artikel finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen, um den Registrierungsprozess bei Agoda abzuschließen.
In diesem Artikel finden Sie alle notwendigen Informationen, um den Registrierungsprozess bei Agoda abzuschließen.
In diesem Artikel wird die Option „Einzug durch die Unterkunft“ vorgestellt, die es Gästen ermöglicht, ohne Kreditkartengarantie zu buchen und im Hotel zu bezahlen. Wir werden auch die Vorteile [...]
This article will outline how to obtain your booking statements from ePass.
This article will outline the information of how the property collect booking looks like and how to find it.
To help secure payment for your Property Collect with credit card guarantee bookings, we are providing you with a set of features to validate the guest’s payment card. These features are [...]
To help secure payment for your Property Collect with credit card guarantee bookings, we are providing you with a set of features to validate the guest’s payment card. These features are [...]
This article will outline the information of how you can find the commission amount for property collect booking that is deducted to you.
To help secure payment for your Property Collect with credit card guarantee bookings, we are providing you with a set of features to validate the guest’s payment card. These features are [...]
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