This article explains how to manage cancelled Property Collect bookings, and how to collect cancellation fees.

Note: We’ve added some features to help partners validate guests’ credit cards in order to secure payment for your Property Collect payment with credit card-guaranteed bookings.

These features are available on the booking summary page in the YCS Extranet (Bookings >> Reservations). Availability of the actions you can take is based on a specific sequence and the time until check-in. By default, all Property Collect bookings are confirmed, but there are scenarios where you can cancel based on the guest’s credit card verification status.

Common reasons for cancelled bookings

  1. The guest’s credit card is invalid
    • If the guest doesn’t provide a valid credit card within 48 hours of the request, or if the newly provided card is also invalid, you can cancel the booking by following these steps:
      1. Go to YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations
      2. Search for the booking
      3. Under Payment & Pricing, click ‘Cancel booking’ (as shown in the image below)


  • This will trigger a cancellation email to both you and the guest.
  • This action is available up to 24 hours before check-in.
  1. Guest did not show up
  • If the guest doesn’t show up for check-in at your property, you can mark the booking as a no-show by following these steps:
    1. Go to YCS >> Bookings>> Reservations
    2. Search for the bookings
    3. Under Booking details, click Mark as no-show (as shown in the image below)

  • This will cancel the booking and trigger a cancellation email to both you and the guest
  • The option to Mark as no-show will be available for 72 hours after midnight on the check-in day.
  • If you fail to report a no-show within 72 hours, the function will be grayed out and you must contact us to report the no-show. Please contact us by using the Need help button on YCS.

How do I collect the cancellation fee?

You or Agoda will be responsible for collecting the cancellation fee depending on the actions you have taken on the guest’s credit card verification.

  1. If you have not viewed the guest’s credit card at least once: Agoda will attempt to collect the cancellation fee on your behalf. Canceling the booking or marking it as a no-show will automatically trigger a charge attempt on the credit card, and an email to you with the outcome. If the charge is successful, the amount will be added to YCS >> Finance tab.
  2. If you have viewed the guest’s credit card at least once: You will be responsible for collecting the cancellation fee. You will be able to contact the guest via the chat feature through the YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations page (as shown in the image below).


1. Under what conditions and when can I request to cancel a booking?

You can cancel a booking if the guest’s credit card is invalid or if the guest did not provide an alternative payment card. This action is available up to 24 hours before check-in.

2. Can I reinstate a cancelled booking?

No, you cannot reinstate the booking after cancellation.

3. If a customer booked with a credit card but does not show up, will Agoda collect the cancellation fee on behalf of partners?

Agoda will collect the fee on your behalf if partners have not clicked to view the guest’s credit card. This logic exists to avoid double charging the guest.

4. If a customer booked without a credit card but does not show up, will Agoda collect the cancellation fee on behalf of partners?

If customers made a booking without a credit card, partners will have to initiate their own claim procedure.

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods.

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