In this article, you will find information about how to set up price for extra bed.

How to set Extra Bed Price in YCS?

There are 3 places to set up extra beds in YCS:

In the Room Setup

In the Room Occupancy section of Room Setup page, you can add the number of extra beds available on the “Number of extra beds” field.

Please note: currently, our system is able to manage only 1 extra bed.

  1. Go to Property
  2. Click Room Setup
  3. Select the Room type that you want to update
  4. Go to Room occupancy
  5. Select the Number of extra beds which can be added to the room type. (0 means no extra bed is allowed)
  6. Click Save

In the Property Settings

In Property Settings, you can input the standard extra bed price that will be pre-populated in the extra bed field of the Calendar page.

  1. Go to Property
  2. Click Property Settings
  3. Under Property Age Policy, fill in your Extra bed price
  4. Click Save

In the Calendar

In Calendar, for all rooms that have extra beds, there is a field on the Advanced tab on the right-hand side, where the extra bed price can be input. If you loaded a rate for the extra bed on Property Settings, this rate will automatically be loaded there. They can be modified at any time.

  1. Go to Rates & Availability
  2. Click on Calendar
  3. Select Room Type and Rate Plan that you want to update
  4. Select the date range that you would like to adjust
  5. On the right side, click on Advanced
  6. Update Extra Bed price
  7. Click Save


  • If you update the Extra bed price in Property Settings, it will update your extra bed’s price for all days.
  • If you use a channel manager – please inform your channel manager.


Frequently Asked Questions

Can I set different extra bed price for different room types?

Yes, you can! Simply update the price in the Room Setup page instead of other ways.

Can I set an extra bed price for a certain rate plan?

Absolutely! In the Calendar, you can choose the Rate Plan then update the Extra Bed price.


Learn more

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