In this article, you will find information on how to manage accidental campaign activations done via email and YCS pop-up clicks, using a dedicated cancellation link, ensuring you have full control over your campaigns.

How do I manage or reverse an accidental campaign activation?

If you unintentionally clicked to enroll in a campaign via email or pop-up, follow these steps to reverse the action:

1. Find the cancellation link.

  • A confirmation pop-up will appear. Look for the blue box and click Click here to cancel [Campaign Name].
  • This link is active for 15 minutes after you join. You can only access the cancellation link on this pop-up, so please don’t close it!


2. Let us know why you’re opting out.

  • A second pop-up will ask why you’re opting out. Your feedback is valuable, so please provide your reason.


3. Receive cancellation confirmation.

  • A final pop-up will confirm you’ve successfully left the campaign.


Can I still cancel the activation via cancellation link after 15 minutes?

If the 15-minute window lapses and you haven’t opted out, the campaign will go live. Clicking the cancellation link after this time will lead to a pop-up informing you that the campaign is already active. To reverse the activation, please contact us for assistance.

How do I access the Promotions page on YCS?

You can configure and manage your promotions on the Promotions page on YCS. To access the promotions page, go to YCS >> Rates & Availability >> Promotions

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods.


Learn more:

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