Bangkok Post: Phangnga Aims To Be Next Sandbox
The Straits Times reports that the proposed, postponed, and postponed-again travel bubble between Singapore and Hong Kong has finally been canceled permanently, after nearly a year of failed starts.
The Straits Times reports that the proposed, postponed, and postponed-again travel bubble between Singapore and Hong Kong has finally been canceled permanently, after nearly a year of failed starts.
With mass vaccination being the cornerstone of public health and economic recovery in Malaysia, Agoda has launched its Vaxxed To Go campaign to support Malaysia’s nationwide immunisation drive. [...]
The Straits Times reports that the proposed, postponed, and postponed-again travel bubble between Singapore and Hong Kong has finally been canceled permanently, after nearly a year of failed starts.
CNBC reports that Hyatt group has acquired Apple Leisure Group from KKR and KSL Capital Partners, a move which officially moves its revenue projection from leisure above 50%.
Hotel Business reports on highlights from IGH’s Q2 earnings call, including improvement in demand, with gains focused in Greater China plus improvement in the Americas.
من المهم جدًا التأكد من صحة عنوان وموقع عقارك لجذب أكبر عدد ممكن من المسافرين. سيرشدك هذا الدليل خلال الخطوات اللازمة لتحديث تفاصيل عقارك في YCS، لضمان أن تبقى معلوماتك محدثة دومًا.
سيتناول هذا المقال العوامل التي تؤثر على أسعار الحجوزات وكيفية الإبلاغ عن الخطأ في مبلغ الحجز.
TTG Asia reports that the Phuket Sandbox program now has official data from the Thailand Tourism Authority for July: more than 14,000 foreign tourists generating 829 million baht (US$24.8 [...]
في هذه المقالة، ستتعرّف على أساسيات درجة تقييم العقار ولماذا هو مهم جدًا للحصول على الحجوزات. ستتعرّف أيضًا على كيفية الحصول على أفضل درجة تقييم لعقارك وأعلاه.
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