Agoda currently has multiple payment methods to suit your needs: Unique Payment Card (UPC), UPC on Electronic Payment Administration Self Service (ePass), e-Card (Physical MasterCard), and Bank or Telex transfer. Read more information about each of these payment methods below.

How do I check my payment method?

  1. Go to YCS  >>  Property >> Property settings  >>  Property information
  2. Scroll down in the General information section to find your Payment method

What is a Unique Payment Card (UPC)?

A Unique Payment Card (UPC) is a virtual credit card issued by Mastercard specifically for charging individual booking payouts. The transaction fees associated with using the UPC are covered by the property. Each UPC remains valid for 5 months from its creation date and is deactivated automatically after 150 days.

For more information, please refer to:

What is UPC on ePass (Electronic Payment Administration Self Service)?

The UPC on ePass (Electronic Payment Administration Self Service), available through YCS >> Finance, offers a convenient payment method for partner properties. It generates a single-use virtual credit card (UPC) for creating payout batches across multiple reservations. ePass is an invoice system within YCS that allows you to manage booking payouts. Please note:

  • Properties can create one payout batch for multiple bookings and charge the entire amount using a single virtual credit card.
  • These virtual credit cards are permitted only for one-time use, and the full payout batch amount must be charged.
  • The card must be charged within 24 hours of being issued; otherwise, it will expire. Properties will then need to wait 72 hours for a new card to be issued.
  • If you do not charge a booking payout within 150 days after its departure date, the earnings will no longer be available for you to claim.

For more information, please refer to:

What is an e-Card?

An e-Card is a physical credit card designed for charging payout batches that include multiple bookings. It is linked with Electronic Payment Administration Self-Service (ePass), an invoice system within YCS that allows you to manage booking payments. Please note:

  • Agoda e-Cards can only be used to make charges through POS terminals categorized under Lodging – Hotels, Motels, Resorts, or Central Reservation Services.
  • The e-Card cannot be used with POS terminals that require 3D Secure (3Ds) authentication. You’ll need a non-3Ds POS terminal to process these charges.
  • If you do not charge a booking payout within 150 days after its departure date, the earnings will no longer be available for you to claim

For more information, please refer to:

What is Bank Transfer (Telex transfer)?

Bank or Telex transfer is a payment method that allows partners to receive payouts directly to their registered bank accounts. It is managed through the YCS Finance tab, providing a straightforward option for secure transactions.

Please note:

  • Bank and Telex transfers are not available in all markets or currencies.
  • Partners will receive booking payouts directly into their registered bank account.
  • Payout transactions are available to claim 30 days after the booking’s departure date.
  • If you do not charge a booking payout within 150 days after its departure date, the earnings will no longer be available for you to claim.

For more information, please refer to:

How do I change my payment method?

To ensure security, please contact us directly to change your payment method.

  • Go to YCS and click on the ‘Need Help’ button in the bottom right corner of the page: a-blue-rectangle-with-white-text__description-automatically-generated

Which payment method suits me best?

Choosing the best payment method depends on various factors such as your business needs, preferences, and the specific terms offered by the platform or service provider. Here are some short explanations to consider when deciding which payment method suits you best:

Requirement UPC on ePass (Unique Payment Card on Electronic Payment Administration Self Service) UPC (Unique Payment Card) E-Card (Physical MasterCard) Telex Transfer (Bank Transfer)
I want to receive payment for several bookings at once. Yes No. Each booking is charged separately. Yes Yes
I have a credit card terminal (POS). Yes Yes. Subject to availability* Yes No
I want to receive my payment as soon as possible. Yes Yes Yes No. You can charge payments 30 days after the booking’s departure date.
I want to track the payment invoice history. Yes No Yes Yes

*Please check with your local regulations and POS machine.

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Go to YCS >>click on the Need Help button
a-blue-rectangle-with-white-text__description-automatically-generated in the bottom right corner of the page.

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