This guide outlines the steps to ensure your policies and announcements are displayed accurately, with support from the Accommodation Services Team (AST) for uploading, editing, or deleting.
Dans cet article :
- Politique de l’établissement et annonce de l’établissement
- Exigences relatives à l’ajout de politiques et d’annonces concernant les établissements
- Comment demander le téléchargement, la suppression ou la modification d’une politique ou d’une annonce concernant un établissement ?
- Contactez nous
- En savoir plus
Politique de l’établissement et annonce de l’établissement
Property policy
- Property policies are specific rules at the property that may influence guests’ decisions to book.
- These policies will be visible to all guests viewing your property on Agoda and do not have an expiry date (permanent).
- It may include:
- Guest age restriction
- Airport transfer policy
- Pet policy
- Specific charges
- Property policies will be displayed on your property page on Agoda below the What’s nearby section.
Property announcement
- Property announcements are ongoing changes at the property that guests should be informed of before booking, as they may influence booking decisions.
- A property announcement includes a specific duration for the event and will be visible to all guests viewing the property on Agoda during that time.
- It may include:
- Renovation announcement
- Closed facilities
- Property announcements will be displayed on your property page on Agoda below the Some helpful facts section.
Requirements for adding property policies and announcements
To standardize and clarify the information displayed, Agoda uses a standard template for both property policies and announcements. Once you submit your request, Agoda may reword it to fit our requirements.
If the announcement or policy contains information that does not align with Agoda’s guidelines (e.g., discrimination against specific groups, display of direct property contacts), we may reject the request.
Comment demander le téléchargement, la suppression ou la modification d’une politique ou d’une annonce concernant un établissement ?
N’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour obtenir de l’aide. Veuillez noter qu’après le téléchargement, il peut s’écouler jusqu’à 24 heures avant que l’information ne soit affichée sur le site web.
Contactez nous
Vous cherchez encore une solution ? Contactez-nous via le bouton « Besoin d’aide » sur YCS ou d’autres méthodes
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