This article will explain how to handle partial payments using Unique Payment Card (UPC) on Electronic Payment Administration Self Serve (ePass) using the Finance tab on YCS.

Note: UPCs generated on the Finance tab can only be charged once.

For other partial charges on payment methods, refer to:

What is a partial charge?

A partial charge refers to a charge in which only a portion of the full booking amount has been charged, resulting in a pending amount to be charged.

Common causes of partial charges

Below are the most common reasons and causes for partial charges:

  • Transactions were approved in bulk using YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions but did not charge or authorize the card for the full amount.
  • Transactions were approved in bulk on YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions but did not charge the full amount due to Point of Sale (POS)/Electronic Data Capture (EDC) machine limitations.
  • The payment batch was not charged the full amount and the amount was returned to the UPC card provided (Reverse Authorization).
  • An error occurred on the POS/EDC machine when charged, causing the bank to return the charged amount back to the Agoda card (Reverse Authorization).

How do I avoid partial charges?

Before proceeding to charge the UPC on ePass, ensure that the total amount being charged matches that in YCS >> Finance >> Remittances.

  • If the POS/EDC machine has a charge amount limitation, avoid submitting more than the maximum number allowed amount per batch.
  • For a partial charge, we suggest you continue to SETTLEthe transaction first. Then you can request to top up the remaining balance.
  • For top-up requests of the remaining amount to be paid, the Payment Status of the transaction needs to be confirmed as Paid
    • To view the Payment Status, go to YCS >> Finance >> Remittances >> Click on the respective batch >> Payment Status.
  • Reverse authorization is the process of returning an authorized or settled amount. Reverse authorization is NOT SUGGESTED as it will take up to 14 days to be tracked in the Agoda system, which can slow down the top-up process.
  • Due to the complexity of this operation, it might take 5-7 business days to top up your remaining balance.

How do I handle partial charges?

If the payment status is Authorize (Not Returned):

  1. Finalize the transaction first.
  2. Contact us to request for the total remaining balance to be topped up on the YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions >> Adjustment Transactions tab (at the bottom of the page).

If the status is Reverse Authorization (Returned):

  1. Contact your bank for details on the transaction status to find out if a reversal was successfully processed.
  2. It might take up to 14 days for the amount to be returned to the card.
  3. After the amount has been returned to the card, contact us to request a top up of the total remaining balance on the YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions >> Adjustment Transactions tab (at the bottom of the page).

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. I have reversed the authorization, why does the Payment Status still show as “Paid”?

Reverse authorization will not change the “Paid” status. When a payment batch has been created and the card has been authorized, the system automatically considers the booking(s) as “Paid” even if the payment is not yet settled. Contact us to request to top up the total remaining balance.

2. I want to add another transaction in the batch I submitted, can I cancel and redo it?

The payment batch that has been created and submitted cannot be reverted or canceled.

3. Can I charge the card multiple times as my POS machine has limitations?
  • Cards that have been generated from the YCS >> Finance tab can be charged ONE TIME only. Please always charge the FULL AMOUNT as stated on the payment batch.
  • If you would like to charge on a per booking basis or by any other conditions, go to YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions >> click the booking and approve the booking.

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods. 

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