This article will help you to identify the causes of overcharges or negative balances on the Electronic Payment Administration Self Serve (ePass) section of your YCS Finance tab.

What is an overcharge?

An overcharge occurs when partners charge Agoda more than the billable amount, and results in Agoda initiating a process to recover the excess amount.

Cases of overcharges include, but are not limited to:

  • Cancellations / Amendments outside policy: If your payment is made before the check-in date, you have charged an Agoda UPC and there is a cancellation / amendment by the customer, this will result in an overcharge, requiring collection.
  • Cancellations / Amendments inside policy: When you agree to refund the customer on a non-refundable booking, it can result in an overcharge.
  • Others: Fraud, force-charges, manual entry errors, etc.

Only booking batches with billable amounts greater than 0 can be submitted for processing.

To do so, navigate to YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions

For submissions with balances below 0, an error message will appear in the Adjustment Transactions section at the bottom of the page.

Partners may also see a manual adjustment from our Finance team. This could be due to one of the following reasons:

  • Overcharges related to multi-currency transactions
  • Outdated tax rates on bookings
  • Modified cancellation policies
  • When a Canceled or No Show booking is charged the full amount before the status was updated on YCS

If you have recently migrated to ePass (Telex Transfer; Ecard; Unique Payment Card (UPC) on Epass (UPC+) or Paypal) from another payment method, and if you encounter errors in migration due to system limitations, our Finance team will post an adjustment to reflect the missing balance. You will be able to include this amount in your next payment batch.

Where can I see overcharge information?

You may receive a revised booking voucher when the booking status has changed. You can also view other status changes in YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations>> Booking ID: XXX. Booking status is represented by one of three font colors on the Booking ID as below.

When the booking status has changed to canceled or no show, the chargeable amount will be updated according to the cancellation policy.

If the booking was charged prior to the status being updated on YCS, Agoda may rebalance the charge by posting a negative payment amount.

For partners who are:

Not on ePass:

  • Our Finance team will contact you and will arrange for the overcharge to be cleared by manually amending the system, or, if you are on the UPC payment method, amend the UPC batch or issue a new UPC to charge.

On ePass:

  1. Go to YCS >> Finance >> All Transactions.
  2. Search for the booking transaction (can be based on check-in, check-out, or booking date), and click Search
  3. Find the specific Booking ID. When you find that the Booking ID has more than 1 posted amount, and 1 of them is negative, it means Agoda has already balanced out the payment. Check how to review past payments here.

How does Agoda collect overcharges?


  • On Mondays, Agoda sends partners with overcharges an email comprising of an overcharge report for the respective booking(s) and an invoice.
  • The invoice will request partners to refund the overcharge to the same UPCs charged.
  • Partners will have 2 weeks to refund the amount to avoid a chargeback by Agoda.

For UPC on ePass

  • Collection is applicable only when the overcharge has remained in ePass for more than 60 days.
  • On Mondays, Agoda sends partners with overcharges an email comprising of an overcharge report for the respective booking(s) and an invoice.
  • The invoice will request partners to refund the overcharge to the same UPCs charged.
  • Partners will have 2 weeks to refund the amount to avoid a chargeback by Agoda.

In any case, we recommend you respond back to the original email or contact us at:

What happens next?

If the overcharged amount is not refunded to Agoda:

After you receive a chargeback from the bank, please contact us at

Please take note that any chargeback process will take time and incur costs to both Agoda and partner properties. If the number of disputes increase, the time taken to resolve the matter and the costs involved will increase as well. We highly encourage partners to manage overcharges carefully to save time and costs for both parties.

How do I resume payment processing?

For partners with a negative balance:  

  1. Submit a batch of bookings to make your balance positive again.
  2. There may be cases when the batch decreases the negative amount, but the overall balance remains negative.

In the example below,

  • No UPC will be issued as the balance remains negative.
  • You can see a case where the batch does not fully clear the outstanding balance.

After you have cleared this negative balance, you will be able to charge future bookings as usual.

In the example below, you can see a negative balance being cleared.


1. My property is under ePass, can I pay the overcharge amount via bank transfer and remove the negative amount in YCS >> Finance >> Current Transactions?

Due to system limitations, any overcharge amount must be rebalanced via the same payment method.

2. I have a negative balance, but I don’t have the issues mentioned above.

Please contact us for further assistance.

3. Can Agoda cancel a chargeback, once initiated?

There is no option to cancel a chargeback. Once a chargeback is initiated, it will result in Agoda getting the money back immediately within 1-2 days.

4. I have received a chargeback but its overcharges are already recovered through ePass. What should I do?

There is a low possibility that you received bookings offsetting the overcharge just before the chargeback was initiated (timing lag), or there is a data issue resulting in a double charge from Agoda. There are 2 options to resolve this case:

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods. 

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