How to adjust your price
Ensure that your price remains current by adjusting your rates when necessary. As per the partnership agreement with Agoda, it is the property’s responsibility to update their inventory, availability, and price.
If your property is connected to a channel manager, you will need to update your price and availability directly with their system. If your property is not connected to any channel manager, you can easily manage your price in Calendar.
- Go to YCS >> Rates and Availability >> Calendar
- Select the date range that you want to adjust
- Within the information window (shown on the right-hand side of the calendar), make sure the Basic tab is highlighted
- Fill in your updated rates Click Save
How to adjust multi occupancy rates
If you charge different prices for Single, Double, and/or Full Occupancy, you can add multi occupancy rates within the Advanced tab of the information window (shown on the right-hand side of the calendar).
Click on the + button next to the rate plan that you would like to edit. This will expand the rate plan to display more information. To edit the price, click Edit Price Based on Occupancy.
Visit How can I set up multi occupancy rates? for more information.
How to change your cross-out rate
You can view and change your cross-out rate/rack rate on YCS. Once logged in, follow these steps:
- Go to Property >> Rooms
- Select the Room Type you would like to update
- Update the Rack Rate under Basic Information
Example of cross out rate:
As per the partner agreement, it is the partner’s responsibility to ensure that property inventory is up-to-date. If you need further assistance with updating your inventory or adjusting your prices, contact the Agoda Accommodation Support Team via the Need Help button on YCS.
Yes, properties can set multi occupancy rates within the Calendar page of YCS. For more information, please refer to How can I set up multi occupancy rates?
Contact us
Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods.
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