ستساعدك هذه المقالة على التحقق من المدفوعات وضمانها لحجوزات Property Collect التي يتم إجراؤها باستخدام بطاقة الائتمان. للحصول على معلومات إضافية حول حجوزات Property Collect التي تتم بدون بطاقة ائتمان، يُرجى الاطلاع هنا.

How to verify a guest’s credit card details

  • Once a Property Collect booking is confirmed, the first action you can take is to verify if the guest’s credit card details are valid. Note that you will only be able to check the validity 1 time. This means that once you have clicked the button to verify, the feature will no longer be available.
  • Upon clicking to check, there will be an instant response prompted automatically by the YCS system. This will confirm the status of the guest’s credit card: Verification successful or Verification unsuccessful. If the verification is unsuccessful, you can request the guest to provide new credit card information, as detailed below.
  • The verification check is available from the time the booking is made until the check-in date.
  • Customers whose credit cards pass this verification are less likely to cancel. If they do cancel and there is a cancellation fee due, charges can usually, but not always, be successfully made to the credit card. This feature is a customer-friendly way of checking if a booking is secure prior to check-in.

To verify credit card validity:

  1. Go to YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations.
  2. Filter the results by clicking on the drop-down menu Payment models. Select Property Collect >> Apply.
  3. Find the booking that you need to verify and click to open for more details. Then, click Payment & pricing to view the booking payment details.
  4. Click Verify now


    • If verification is successful, you will have the option to View guest credit card details.
    • If verification fails, you will have the option to View guest credit card details and/or Request new guest credit card.

How to view a guest’s credit card details

  • You will only be able to view a guest’s credit card details once the guest’s credit card verification has been completed.
  • The guest’s credit card is viewable only 7 days before check-in, or immediately after cancellation. If a booking is made less than 7 days before the check-in date, the guest’s credit card will be viewable after verification is complete.
  • You will be able to view the guest’s credit card details a total of 3 times. After the credit card details have been viewed 3 times, the system will automatically remove the data.
  • If you choose to view a guest’s credit card details, you will then become responsible for collecting any cancellation fees should they occur. If you do not choose to view a guest’s credit card details, Agoda will attempt to collect the cancellation fee from the guest’s credit card on your behalf. Therefore, in an effort to avoid charging the guest twice for cancellations, Agoda will not attempt to collect cancellation fees if the guest’s credit card details have been viewed by the property.

To view credit card details:

  1.  Go to YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations.
  2. Filter the results by clicking on the drop-down menu Payment models. Select Property Collect >> Apply
  3. Find the booking that you need to verify and click to open more details. The Property Collect information will appear in a column on the right-hand side.
  4. Click on View card details. Note that the text below the button will count the number of views you have remaining, out of 3.
  5. You will be asked to pass a two-factor authentication. When prompted, enter your YCS login credentials.
  6. After your login credentials are confirmed, a one-time password (OTP) will be sent via SMS to the phone number provided on the Contact page in YCS. Please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date as you can only click to view credit card details 3 times for each booking.

How to request a new credit card from a guest

If a guest’s credit card verification fails, or you find the card details invalid upon viewing them, you will be able to request a new credit card from the guest. This action is only available before the check-in date. Guests will be given 48 hours to provide new payment details.

To request updated credit card information:

  1.  Go to YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations.
  2. Filter the results by clicking on the drop-down menu Payment models. Select Property Collect >> Apply.
  3. Find the booking that you need to verify and click to open more details. The Property Collect information will appear in a column on the right-hand side.
  4. Click on Request new card.
  5. Clicking this button will prompt the system to automatically contact the guest via email and SMS to request alternative payment details. A secure web link will be provided to the guest to enter their new payment details.
  6. Once the new payment details have been provided, the booking will be updated in YCS and you will receive an email notification.

الأسئلة المتكررة

‎1. كم مرة يمكنني التحقق من صلاحية بطاقة ائتمان النزيل؟

يمكن التحقق من صلاحية بطاقة ائتمان النزيل مرة واحدة فقط.

‎2. كم مرة يمكنني عرض تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان النزيل؟

يمكنك عرض تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان النزيل 3 مرات كحد أقصى ضمن الإطار الزمني المسموح به (أي خلال 7 أيام قبل تسجيل الوصول أو فورًا بعد الإلغاء). إذا تم إجراء الحجز قبل أقل من 7 أيام من تاريخ تسجيل الوصول، ستكون بطاقة الائتمان قابلة للعرض بعد اكتمال التحقق. بعد عرض تفاصيل بطاقة الائتمان 3 مرات، سيقوم النظام بحذف البيانات تلقائيًا.

‎3. هل يمكن عرض رقم CVV/CVC الخاص ببطاقة ائتمان النزيل؟

لحماية العملاء، لن يعرض YCS رقم CVV/CVC الخاص ببطاقة ائتمان النزيل.

4. What should I do if I do not receive the one-time password (OTP) for the two-factor authentication?

Please ensure that your contact information is up-to-date on the Contacts page in YCS. You can also contact us for assistance.

5. What if I do not accept the type of credit card provided by the guest?

If you do not accept the credit card provided by the guest, you can request a new one through YCS. We also recommend that you contact the guest to inform them which credit cards you accept.

6. هل يجب عليّ عرض تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان النزيل قبل طلب بطاقة جديدة؟

إذا فشل التحقق، يمكنك طلب بطاقة ائتمان جديدة فورًا.

7. ماذا أفعل إذا لم يقدم النزيل بطاقة ائتمان جديدة أو إذا كانت البطاقة الجديدة غير صالحة أيضًا؟

يمكنك التواصل مع النزيل عبر خدمة المراسلة في YCS. في بعض الحالات، يمكنك  أيضًا طلب إلغاء الحجز إذا لم يقدم النزيل تفاصيل بطاقة ائتمان جديدة خلال الفترة الزمنية المسموح بها (عادةً 48 ساعة). يمكنك العثور على المزيد من التفاصيل من خلال الرابط هنا.

8. هل يمكنني طلب تفاصيل بطاقة الائتمان من النزيل عبر الهاتف أو الإيميل؟

يجب استخدام الرابط الآمن المقدم في ميزة YCS لتبادل تفاصيل بطاقات الائتمان فقط. هذا يضمن حماية كل من العميل والعقار من خلال تمرير المعلومات الحساسة عبر قنوات آمنة فقط.

9. هل يجب عليّ تحصيل دفعة الحجز من بطاقة ائتمان النزيل قبل تسجيل الوصول؟

No. Agoda’s Property Collect bookings are strictly pay-at-hotel bookings, so you should not collect payment from the guest’s credit card prior to arrival. We understand that in some circumstances you may want to temporarily hold an amount to secure a booking in high occupancy periods, however, this is not guest-friendly and we advise against it.

To avoid any issues with payments made by credit cards on the check-in-date, we highly recommend that you complete the credit card verification process as soon as possible. Doing so will also provide the guest with more time to update their payment information in the case that their provided credit card is invalid for any reason.

10. لماذا أتلقى رسالة خطأ "No MORP booking" عند محاولة عرض تفاصيل بطاقة الائتمان؟

قد يكون هذا الخطأ بسبب أحد الأسباب التالية:

  1. ليس لديك الإذن لعرض بطاقة الائتمان.
  2. هناك مشكلة تقنية في خادم الويب. حاول إعادة تحميل صفحة YCS وكرر الخطوات للعثور على الحجز وفتح إعدادات Property Collect.

تواصَل معنا 

هل ما زلت تبحث عن حلول؟ اتصل بنا عبر زر “تواصل معنا” على YCS أو عبر وسائل أخرى.

هل كانت هذه المقالة مفيدة؟



نشكرك على إبداء رأيك.

يسعدنا سماع ذلك! يُرجى إخبارنا بمزيد من المعلومات والتفاصيل.
يؤسفنا سماع ذلك. أيمكنك إبلاغنا بالسبب؟

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