Having great photos is key to any property. Photos drive exposure, promote bookings and improve reputation. The Photo Management page is an intuitive, user-friendly interface for you to manage and upload your photos. In this article, we will outline how to update your photos in YCS.
How to upload photos?
- Log in to YCS
- Go to Property tab and select Photos
- Click on Upload Photos
- Click on Add Photos to select pictures from your computer
Upload section:
- Allows batch uploads
- Supports drag and drop function for uploading
- Allows maximum file sizes of 10 MB
- Allows max 100 MB per upload
- Minimum picture dimension is 1024×768 pixels
- Supported file formats are .jpg and .png
- Duplicated photo file names are not allowed
How to update your photos?
In the Photos Overview section, you see all photos of the property and all photos for each room type. Missing photos and low-resolution photos will also be displayed here. You can easily assign photos to specific room types and tags/caption.
- The first image of the room photos will be the room cover photos on the front-end
- Photo changes will not reflect on the front end right away, due to the cache issues. It can take up to 6 hours before the changes are reflected on the website.
How to arrange your photos?
- Tick the box of a photo
- Select the Category and Section you would like the photo to be
- Click Assign
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use the same photo for different room types?
Yes! When you assign this photo, simply tick “Assign to Multiple” and choose the multiple categories you would like to assign.
Why has my upload failed?
Please check the photos you are uploading meet the minimum requirements. Otherwise, you can try to use a different browser to upload photos. If it is still failed, please contact us for further assistance.
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