Banka transferi (Telex transferi) seçeneği tüm pazarlarda/tüm para birimlerinde mevcut değildir.

How do I set up my bank account?

In order to set up your bank account, you will first need to ensure that your payment method is set to bank transfer in your Property settings. If you have previously selected a different payment method, the pages mentioned below may not be visible on your YCS account. For instructions on how to change your payment method, please refer to: What are the different payment methods and how do they work?

  1. Go to YCS >> Finance >> My Payment Accounts. a-screenshot-of-a-computer__description-automatically-generated-6-1
  2. Click  Create  to open the bank account form. a-screenshot-of-a-computer__description-automatically-generated-7-1
  3. Complete the form in English and click  Save. Please ensure your account is compliant with both the bank account requirements and the specific requirements for each country, as provided in the following section. a-screenshot-of-a-computer__description-automatically-generated-8-1-1024x467 a-screenshot-of-a-computer__description-automatically-generated-9-1024x467
  4. ClickChoose File to upload the required documents:
    • Proof of bank account ownership (bank book, online statement, bank statement, or canceled cheque), showing the bank account name and number.
    • Government-issued ID, matching the account holder’s name (ONLYfor personal accounts).
      • For examples of valid documents, please refer to  this file.
  5. After submission, the status will show as Pending until our approval, which will be communicated via email within 5 business days. We are unable to expedite the review process.
    • If the status remains unchanged after 5 business days, please contact us for further assistance by accessing YCS and clicking the Need Help button in the bottom right corner of the page: a-blue-rectangle-with-white-text__description-automatically-generated
  6. Once approved, you can begin to settle your payments.
    • For a detailed guide on settling payments, please refer to: How do I charge payments via bank transfer?
    • Please note that any subsequent changes to your bank account details will revert the status to Pending, requiring an additional 5 business days for processing.


Bank account requirements

When setting up your bank account, please be aware of the following requirements:

  • Required Documents:
    • Proof of bank account ownership, such as a bank book, online statement, or bank statement. Fund transfer and ATM slips are not accepted. For personal accounts, include a government-issued ID matching the account holder’s name. For examples of valid documents, please refer to  this file
    • Ensure the account holder’s name, account name, and bank name are clearly visible on all supporting documents. For corporate accounts, the account holder’s name should be under the corporate name.
    • Supporting documents in your local language are accepted. If available, you may also submit bank statements in English.
    • Note: Please protect sensitive data like credit card information and passwords. Avoid sharing such information via email or unsecured channels.
  • Character Restrictions:
    • Only use English alphabetical letters and numbers (0-9).
    • Avoid special characters such as =! ” $ % & : * < > ; , # { } [ ] \ _ ^ | ~ @.
    • If your bank details include “&”, replace it with “and” (except for specific cases in China and Japan).
  • Account Name:
    • The Bank Account Name in YCS must match the name on your supporting documents.
  • YCS bank account form:
Field Name Description
Bank location Country where the bank is located. For properties located in any of the following countries, the associated bank account must also be located within that same country:

  • China
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand
  • Malaysia
  • Vietnam
  • Philippines
  • Indonesia
Local Beneficiary Name The name you have provided in your supporting documents, in your local language.
Account holder or beneficiary name The name of the account holder, as written in your supporting documents.
Account holder or beneficiary address The address of the account holder, as written in your supporting documents.
Bank Account Name The name of the account holder, as written in your supporting documents.
Bank Account No. The number associated with the account holder, as written in your supporting documents.
Swift code An 8-11-character code that identifies banks worldwide, for example: ASCBVNVX. Contact your bank to request their SWIFT code.
IBAN No. Codes that identify bank accounts internationally; IBAN should start with country code, followed by a number, for example: GB12345678912345678912. Contact your bank to request their IBAN code.
Bank Name Name of the beneficiary bank.
Local Bank Name Name of the beneficiary bank and branch written in local language/characters.
Bank code A unique identification code for a particular bank.
Branch code A unique identification code for a particular bank branch.
Bank Account Type Type of bank account. Please check your bank passbook or contact your bank to confirm your account type.
Currency National currency that this account can receive.
Bank Address Physical address of the bank.
Status Approved – The bank account is approved.
Rejected – The bank account has been rejected and we have sent you an email with additional details.
Pending – The bank account information has been received and is pending review by Agoda’s finance team.
  • Specific requirements for each country:
Country Field Name Specific Mandatory Requirement
Australia Branch code 6 digits, for example: 123456
Account number​ Must exclude BSB code
China Local Bank Name Bank and branch name in Chinese
Local Beneficiary Name Beneficiary name in Chinese
Account holder or beneficiary address Must be filled in, 2 lines:
Line 1: Building number, road, district (30-35 digits)
Line 2: City, Province, Country (30-35 digits)
India IFSC 11 digits and in capital letters only, for example: HDFC1234567
Swift code *Required only if the property currency is USD
Indonesia Bank account name Must match the name registered with the bank
Japan Account number 7 digits, for example: 0012345
Bank code 4 digits, for example: 1234
Branch code 3 digits, forf example:  123
Local beneficiary name 1. Uppercase only.
2. Must match the name registered with the bank and in half-width Katakana. (If registered in English, please provide the English name using only uppercase letters)
3. Use hyphen (-) from English keyboard.
4. Use legal abbreviation terms, such as カ
Bank Account Type Savings or “Current” only (must match the bank book)
Philippines Account holder or beneficiary address Must be filled in, 3 lines:
Line 1: Room No./Office Name, Building Name/House No., Street, Subdivision/Barangay
Line 2: District, Town, City Name
Line 3: Province and ZIP/Postal Code
Russia Bank code RU+ Bank’s BIK code, for example: RU123456789
Account holder or beneficiary address For Line 3:
Input hotel KPP code for corporate; format as KPP+code, for example: KPP123456789
Input hotel INN code for individual; format as INN+code, for example: INN123456789012
Singapore Swift code Must be in 11-digit format, for example: DBSSSGSGXXX
Thailand Bank code 7 digits (bank code will pop up automatically based on the bank name selected)

Banka hesabım reddedilirse ne yapmalıyım?

Banka hesap formunuzu ve destekleyici belgelerinizi gönderdikten sonra Finans ekibimiz onay vermek için bunları inceleyecektir. Ancak banka hesabı başvurunuz reddedilirse, ayrıntıları size e-posta yoluyla bildireceğiz. image-1 Reddedilmenin yaygın nedenleri arasında şunlar yer alır:

  • Geçersiz karakter girişi: Ayrıntılar için lütfen banka hesabı gerekliliklerini inceleyin.
  • Eksik destekleyici belgeler: Gerekli belgeler için bu dosyayı inceleyin.
  • Hatalı banka hesabı adı: Destekleyici belgelerinizdeki adla aynı olduğundan emin olun.
  • Hatalı banka hesabı numarası veya IBAN

Banka hesap bilgilerinizi güncellemeden önce lütfen banka hesabı gerekliliklerini dikkatlice inceleyin.

Gönderdiğim bilgileri nasıl değiştirebilirim?

Gönderdiğiniz bilgileri değiştirmeniz inceleme süresini sıfırlayacağından, tüm bilgilerin doğru şekilde girildiğinden emin olmanızı öneririz. Bununla birlikte, eğer gerekirse gönderdiğiniz bilgileri değiştirmek için lütfen şu adımları izleyin:

  1. YCS >> Finans >> Ödeme Hesaplarım sayfasına gidin ve gönderdiğiniz banka hesabına tıklayın.
  2. Bilgileri değiştirin veya gerekirse yeni destekleyici belgeler yükleyin. Değişiklikleriniz tamamlandıktan sonra Gönder’e tıklayın.a-screenshot-of-a-computer-screen__description-automatically-generated
  3. Bunun ardından Finans ekibimiz değiştirdiğiniz başvurunuzu inceleyecektir. Başvurunuzun onaylanması veya reddedilmesi durumunda size e-posta yoluyla bilgi vereceğiz.

Bize ulaşın

Hâlâ bir çözüm mü arıyorsunuz? YCS’ye gidin ve sayfanın sağ alt köşesindeki Yardıma mı İhtiyacınız Var? a-blue-rectangle-with-white-text__description-automatically-generated butonuna tıklayın. YCS erişiminiz yoksa lütfen diğer yöntemler ile bizimle iletişime geçin.

Bu makale yardımcı oldu mu?



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