What is ePass?

You can request payment for your bookings by yourself using ePass – an invoice system within YCS. Multiple payment options are available under ePass, allowing you to charge multiple reservation under 1 batch with the options below:

In accordance with Agoda’s general payment policy, reservations are eligible for payment on the departure date. You will not be able to submit the booking amount until the reservations reach their payment due date. All reservations and payment details will be stored for review in ePass after the transaction.

Benefits of using ePass

  • The ability to charge multiple reservations under a single payment batch.
  • The flexibility to request payments for eligible booking transactions at the time of your own choosing.
  • Access to past payment details without any time restriction via the ePass system to support your reconciliation and reporting needs.

ePass tab details on YCS

Go to YCS > Finance to useful payment related information. Access to Finance tabs is only granted to specific users in YCS. If you have one of the above payment options activated but you are still unable to access ePass, please contact us!

  • Current Transactions  – This page displays all bookings which have reached their payment due date or canceled bookings (displayed immediately upon cancellation). On this page you can approve or dispute payment individually or by batch. Bookings will be displayed on this page for 150 days after their check-out date; after that they will be removed from this page and the payment will no longer be available for you to claim. Please note that refund transactions will always remain on this page until they are batched.
  • All Transactions — This page displays all bookings created and any adjustments made to payment transactions by Agoda Finance Team. The search tool covers various search criteria to see payment transaction status and details.
  • Remittances  – This contains details of all batches that have been charged in the past.
  • My Payment Accounts  – This page varies based on what type of payment method you are on with Agoda.
    • UPC: A message here indicates you are using this payment method.
    • Telex Transfer: Set up or modify your bank account details.
    • Ecard: View the last 4 digits of the ecard.
  • Advanced Guarantee Transactions — This contains details of any bookings made which are part of the AGP program.

Other actions you can perform on the Finance tab

Below are common actions that you can perform on the Finance tab:

How to request access to the Finance tab on YCS

We have 2 types of permissions you can request for:

  1. General Role:
    1. Approve bookings on Current Transaction page
    2. Review bookings on All Transaction page
    3. Review Remittances page / Summary page
  2. Card Info Viewer Role –  We highly recommend that the Card viewer Role be restricted to very few senior employees only, to limit fraud risk
    1. All General Role’s right
    2. Ability to view UPC details

Once you have decided which permission you would like to request for, contact us for assistance!


1. My property was on UPC, and recently I switched payment methods -- do I need to request for access?

We will grant Finance tab access for you during the process of switching payment methods. However, you may submit a request for Finance tab access if you would like to use a different username or if you would like to add more usernames. 

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