This article details how to charge bookings using a Unique Payment Card (UPC), which is a single-use virtual card.

What is a Unique Payment Card (UPC)?

A Unique Payment Card (UPC) is a virtual credit card issued by Mastercard for processing individual booking payments. Your property covers any transaction fees for using the UPC. Each UPC is valid for 5 months from its creation and will automatically deactivate after 150 days.

Where can I see UPC details?

To see your Unique Payment Card (UPC) details:

  1. Go toYCS >> Bookings >>Reservations
  2. Initially, the page will display all bookings for a period from today to the next seven days. You can customize the timeline as needed. The booking list is organized by check-in date and prioritizes confirmed bookings first, followed by cancelled bookings, and finally amended bookings. 
  3. Select your criteria using the filter options. To find a specific booking, you can enter the Booking ID and clear all other criteria, which helps when you need to process a payment.
    • Stay Date 
    • Booking Date 
    • Last Updated
    • Room Types 
    • Rate Plans 
    • Channels 
    • Payment Models

4. Click on any Booking ID to expand the booking details and select Get payout (UPC).

    • You may be asked to provide an OTP. To find the OTP, please check your registered email address.

5. You will then see the details of the virtual UPC card.



How do I charge a UPC?

  1. Collect the payment information on YCS.
  2. Authorize the payment using your Point of Sale (POS) machine. You will receive a transaction slip with an authorization code.
  3. Use the same authorization code to charge the booking.

How do I charge a UPC for amended bookings?

  • We will send you an amendment email (with “Amended” appearing in the subject line) with an amended hotel voucher attached, confirming that a reservation has changed
  • You can also identify the amended booking status on YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations. If the booking is amended, the booking amount stated in YCS will reflect the latest update.


  • You may charge the booking amount stated in that amended hotel voucher.

How do I charge a UPC for cancelled bookings?

Any payment that you receive for a canceled reservation is determined by the cancellation policy enforced at the time of reservation.  You should charge the UPC only for the amount permitted by the cancellation policy.

  • Agoda will send you a cancellation email (with “Cancelled” appearing in the subject line) confirming that a reservation has been canceled. The new UPC “Amount Payable” will be included in the body of the cancellation email.  This amount payable is determined based on the cancellation policy and is the amount you should charge to the UPC for the cancelled reservation.
  • You will also be able to identify the cancelled booking on YCS >> Bookings >> Reservations if the font color of the text “Cancelled”is red.


Notes on charging a UPC:

  • A payment can only be charged by an authorized YCS user access. If you are not authorized to charge the payment, you may contact us for assistance.
  • To prevent UPC details from leaking and being circulated before property is able to charge the payment, UPC details are masked up until the eligible amount has been topped-up on the card to enhance security.
  • Once you have collected the UPC payment details, you can charge the UPC by inputting the UPC payment details into the credit card machine.
  • However, before you charge the UPC, you must:
    • Ensure that you are charging the payment based on the payment terms specified in your agreement. Access YCS>> Resources >> Terms and Conditions for more information.
    • Ensure the correct credit card number is being entered.
    • Check that the credit card was not pre-authorized by one of your colleagues (pre-authorized cards will become invalid).
    • Ensure the correct amount (as seen on the hotel voucher) is being charged. Any additional amount will cause the transaction to be declined.
    • Note that any booking that is cancelled without any cancellation fee cannot be charged.
      • You can charge the UPC card on the guest’s departure date or one day after check-in, based on your property’s payment terms. Please ensure the charge is made within 150 days after check-out, as the card will expire after this period. Timely charging of the UPC is essential.
    • If you do not charge us for a booking for more than 150 days after departure date, the booking will be removed from the system and the payment will no longer be available for you to claim.
  • You will see a Security Violationmessage on the EDC machine if there are more than 5 failed attempts to charge the card. If you encounter this, please wait for 1 hour before attempting to charge again, and make sure you charge with the correct details and a stable internet connection.
  • You will see a Card Blocked FRE10 message if you attempt to use the card for any activity outside of booking-related payments. Contact us for further assistance. To avoid such error, please check with your EDC machine provider to ensure that the EDC machine is for accommodation business purposes.


1. Do I need pre-authorization?

No. The card is already guaranteed by Mastercard and pre-authorizations are not necessary. Any pre-authorization will invalidate the card. Contact us to request a new card. to request for a new card.

2. What can I charge to a UPC?

Agoda provides room reservations only. The UPC is valid only for the reservation to which it is assigned and for the amount specified.  Additional charges (incidentals, mini-bar, parking) must be settled with the guest directly using his or her own method of payment at check-in or check-out –not using the Agoda UPC.

3. Do I charge the UPC based on the price per night or per room?

Partners can choose between charging based on the price per night, or price per room.  However, Agoda recommends you simply make one charge for the total amount payable for the booking.

4. What should I do if I have accidentally authorized/charge only a partial amount?
  • If you have authorized a partial amount, proceed to use the same authorization code and charge the partial amount first. Then proceed to authorize and charge the remaining amount.
  • If you have authorized and charged only partial amount, proceed to repeat the same action to collect the remaining amount.

In both cases, we recommend you check the booking amount and the amount that you have authorized/charged. You will receive an error showing “insufficient funds” if you attempt to charge any amount that is higher than the booking value.

If you encounter any other issues, please visit our I am unable to charge a payment and need support page.

Contact us

Still looking for a solution? Contact us via the YCS Need Help Button or other methods.

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